Patrik Blöchlinger LL.M.
Patrik Blöchlinger LL.M.
Senior Counsel
Languages: English German
Membership: Swiss Bar Association, Zurich Bar Association

Patrik can help you with transactional aviation law, international trade law and transactions, employment law and general corporate/commercial law. In addition, he advises private clients, family offices, corporations and organisations on a variety of matters. 

Patrik obtained his law degree in 2000 from the University of Zurich (Switzerland), and was an exchange student at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) during his studies. From 200405 he attended Law School at the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney (Australia) and at East China University of Politics and Law in Shanghai. He was admitted to the bar in Switzerland (2002) and joined Klein in 2008 

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