Ezio can help you with international contract law, Swiss law, representation before the courts of the European Union, and cross-border matters.
Ezio assists in real estate law, international trade law and transactions, white collar crime investigations and asset tracing, insurance law and general corporate and commercial law. In addition, he advises private clients, family offices, corporations and organisations (national and international) on a variety of matters. Ezio likes to deal with complex matters and cases, as well as to engage in negotiations. He welcomes all challenges to find solutions for his clients.
Ezio graduated in law in 2011 from the University of Insubria (Italy) and in 2017 from Pegaso University (Italy). In 2018, he graduated in economics. In 2019 he obtains his MAS in Security and Intelligence.
He is currently completing a Master’s degree in Law at the Univesidad Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid. He joined Klein as Senior Partner in 2016.